Episode #215: Repercussions of Decisions Past

by FliteTest | October 1, 2021 | (1) Posted in Podcasts

In this podcast the guys talk about some of the effects of the FT Store changing from an outside service to becoming an in-house provider. The guys share how along the transition FT has encountered some obstacles, and then they talk about how they are dealing with them currently. The guys finish out the podcast on a really fun note by talking about the fun they had filming the “Benchy Border Battle” video that comes out the second week of this month. Enjoy sitting down with the guys!


ftwingnut on October 2, 2021
Good stuff, guys. I needed to hear this right now.
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sschevel on October 15, 2021
You have some sort of "thump" in the audio. Some is coming off the voice of the speaker but some sound like there is someone in the background thumping on the desk.
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Episode #215: Repercussions of Decisions Past