Fire Fighting Drone

by FliteTest | September 28, 2015 | (18) Posted in Challenges

Firecopter ready for flight!

The cutout was specifically made to fit an off the shelf fire extingusher.

This shot was captured on a sweet camera rig made out of a bicyle tire.

Unfortunately this baby blender met its demise in this episode!

One Traxxas Slash can easily pull the FFD which weighs about 10lbs.

Denatured alcohol is the flammible liquid used to start the fire. DONT try this at home!

Fire zeee powder! You can see the green laser beam even in broad daylight.




FlyingMonkey on September 28, 2015
New favorite episode!

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motown on October 7, 2015

this was a lot of fun. Have you heard about the UAV Challenge? Sounds like the kind of thing that Peter would like. Last year the task was to find a lost person and deliver a bottle of water to him. Next year the competition is to fly to a known point, receive a sample, and then return to base. Check it out at

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Bayboos on September 29, 2015
Please, more of this kind of ideas! We all need them, and we all love them; and soon enough, everyone else will love them too!
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Flyerguy455 on September 29, 2015
Great idea as a prototype. The foam the airport rescue guys use is AFFF - Aqueous Film Forming Foam. Peter's mix is a pretty good simulation. I would NOT use this on a power transformer as the stream would be conductive and you would rick frying your rig. Baking soda is non flammable and blankets and smothers the oxygen from the fire ( I don't think it releases CO2.
As I was watching, I couldn't help but wonder what Halon would do. Halon is a gas that is non flammable and heavier than air, so it also works on the oxygen displacement method of fire extinguishment. You used to be able to by small halon extinguishers, but I have been out of the business of firefighting for quite a while now. Might be worth investigating.
There are four ways to extinguish a fire. 1. Cool it 2. Starve it of oxygen 3. Remove the fuel source and finally 4. Interrupt the chemical chain reaction. Just food for future modifications.

Great job guys!
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STFDAC20 on October 3, 2015
Firefighter? Where at?

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Yograj Singh Mandloi on September 28, 2015
Can you give the technical specifications of this tricopter.
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The-One-Who-Never-Crashes on September 28, 2015
They will have an episode on that soon :)
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meszaros.janos on September 29, 2015
If you use a drone why not fly in loiter mode during fire-fighting?
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danallen82 on September 29, 2015
Stellar video production guys, the 120fps circle dolly around the flames was epic.
Why not use a standard hexa formation for extra stability, lift, and endurance?

How about making a turret for the extinguisher? Just add some high torque servos with 180 degrees of throw, so the second operator can control the direction with some extra freedom. Plus if it is a single person operation the pilot can go into GPS hold to also take control of the turret.
Maybe for V2?
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The-One-Who-Never-Crashes on September 28, 2015
I thought that today was supposed to be the FT Explorer release...
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rcrc on September 28, 2015
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rcrc on September 28, 2015
No. I don't know where you got that idea , but I read on the Facebook page they posted "notify me" for speed build kit. Some one asked when they would start selling them, and ft answered back and said it might be in two weeks.
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The-One-Who-Never-Crashes on September 28, 2015
10:05 in this video:
Also, they are in a period of releasing a product every two weeks:
Electrohub Y6, Bloody Baron, Bushwacker, Versacopter, Explorer.
Since the Versacopter was late, it probably offset the release date of the FT Explorer as well.
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jeradp on September 28, 2015
Excellent! Do you have a parts list for this build? It's always cool to see what's under the hood.
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bigdogRhino on September 28, 2015
I think this would viable if the hose was mounted on gimble with a targeting camera to stabilize it on the target. Great Idea!!
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Bayboos on September 29, 2015
Yes, stabilized and guided nozzle was the only part missing here; but other than that, yes: GREAT IDEA.
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22rakib on April 28, 2019
what's the main goal of this project?

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22rakib on April 28, 2019
what's the main goal of this project?

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22rakib on April 28, 2019
what's the main goal of this project?

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The-One-Who-Never-Crashes on September 28, 2015
5:45 What is that plane that Josh is holding? Looks sweet!
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marc60 on September 29, 2015
Great video, I love it :)
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phenompilot on September 28, 2015
This would be even better if the nossle were directed by servos and directed with head tracking.
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PropSpinner on September 28, 2015
Very cool!

Good to see Josh S.
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STFDAC20 on October 3, 2015
Nice job FT! Very entertaining on the videos. Stay safe!
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mjpilot on September 28, 2015
Fastest 13:08 in my life. I would love to see more drones doing good things. Maybe you could do some more episodes on that. Keep it going guys.
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Flyingninja on September 30, 2015
LOL! Great job!!! :)
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omsatish on November 29, 2016
what have you used for the system of fire extinguisher(i mean what is the thing which is tied to the thread that pulls the thread and then the fire extinguisher?)
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kc8yxa on May 13, 2017
The Fighting Drone is so cool a drone that could be used in the real world.
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22rakib on April 28, 2019
tell me impact of this project on society?
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Fire Fighting Drone