first scratch built plane

by Seamus | September 30, 2013 | (0) Posted in Projects

So I keep talking about my Delta, and it finally flew last Thursday, a bit... kinda... almost... ish...

This is the Reader's Digest(C) version of me and flight...

1970's: Dad took me to airshows and had a really nice Cox control line P-51D could do tricks, Yay! I was 4-8 years old!!

1980's: Grandfather took me up in a Cessna and let me fly it!! THE REAL THING!!! I was 11 maybe 12 y/o then... I even left my lego plane I made that morning in the Cessna, lost forever!! I was excited!!

1990's: Dark time, won't mention

2000's: got back into RC cars after a long hiatus, ran a Tamiya 4x4, was a blast, got into boats as well... flight was not really thought of much as it was too costly for me to get into...


Enter air hogs and toss gliders... lame...

Earlier this year I started playing a MMO called World of Warplanes, flight came back!! My buddy and I  play together and its alot of fun, but not the same, he happens upon an airshow/ military vehicle display alongside a hotrod show, all things the both of us enjoy, but sees an actual t28 trojan, we go to the show to see it up close... lo and behold, whats that??? An RC trojan near a shade canopy, must go look-see!!

Local club went to show and rekindled model flight inside of me and instead of being smart I went and bought a warbird to kill, poor Airfield 750mm Hurricane.... le sigh... I spent less on that rtf than I would have on the electronics alone, and promptly destroyed it.

Interwebs are gr8!! googly searching found some videos... who is this Flite Test?? I blame YOU!! Now I spend money on foamboards, hot glue and BBQ Skewers!! lol, so anyway... death of my plane kindled my desire more, seeing Flite Test, what they do, and thei members of this website do made me realize the hurricane will be replaced but not until I can fly better, insert wing now:

this was the glider I built to ensure it would even fly


quick view of the top with the hatch exposed, note location of Rx and servo




Detail of elevator linkage connecting both sides and small metal counterweight


Inner view of the battery locating velcro and Rx/servo


Just a view through the fuselage to show the airflow/venting


view of top with hatch closed


Only major damage done to entire airframe duriing my flightish's

Detail view


dead prop adapter


So I made this using dollar store foam boards, etc similar to Flite Test materials, it has the KF4 airfoil. I have no means of channel mixing so it is seperate elev/aileron, a 1300kv brushless outrunner motor, 20A ESC, it had a 3blade 8x6 prop on it, but I have purchased a selection of 9x* 2blade props to check performance, and I have a 2s 1000mAh and a 3s 800mAh battery

the 2s is nice and docile, but doesnt't want to start, however, once airborne is fine

the 3s is crazy fast in comparison, there was the wreck and damage, I was NOT ready for that kind of speed!!


I suck with Cameras and had no foresight to bring anything with me so I have no imagery of the flightsish themsleves, but will work on that for the future, but for now, I must wait for the mail, why you ask??




Oh yea, and I am designing up a more legit low wing trainer style plane of my own too.... I blame Flite Test!!! You guys are so awesome, this community rocks!!! I have tools made from planes oon here by sailorjohn, have been thinking about paper quads, Thanks Tommy!! MesaRCFoamFighters, enuff said, keep it up guys, every one of you on this site, FB, etc has just been fantastic, watch for more from me too!!!


Seamus (Jimi)


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first scratch built plane