Franken FT 3D The Maiden

by slav | June 18, 2013 | (5) Posted in Just Fun

Well I was bored looked in the Plane graveyard and scavanged servos, depron, plastic card,esc 30amp.

The depron was to small so I glued it together to make 1 large sheet, Plastic card was used for the Wings heaps stronger than Depron too.


Silver Duct/cloth tape to help strengthen Fuselarge 

The Plastic card was extremely hard to work with but really light and strong

 Really would love to have Dolla tree foam in Australia

I believe this will get a coat of paint Ailerons need more throw but good enough for now


Bernoulli on June 19, 2013
No have only ordered the white paper. You may be able to order one sheet of black and the rest white if you want to try it out.
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robin on June 21, 2013
great works, and flying awsome, but you have scared birds.LOL!
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EndoftheRoadRC on June 21, 2013
LOve it man,great job.
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Bernoulli on June 18, 2013
Awesome, I've always wondered how that plastic card would go. I've been building a few different rc planes from 'foam core' which is similar to dollar tree. It's just a bit heavier and has a gloss paper but not to bad. Its 5mm thick and is available in Australia for a reasonable price. I've built the Bloody Wonder with the air foil and I am in the process of building the SE5A. Here is the link.
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slav on June 18, 2013
thanks buddy will try it out
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slav on June 18, 2013
have you tried the black board they sell??
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Franken FT 3D The Maiden