High Altitude Balloon Drop Simulation

by MESA RC | March 28, 2017 | (3) Posted in Projects

Hello Flite Test Community,

So a couple weeks ago one of my students explained how they watched an interesting show involving high altituded bomb dropping in World 1 and 2, and expressed how hard it must have been to have been so accurate when just looking through small goggles. Then after stairing at each other awkwardly we both said WE SHOULD DO THIS! I immediately pulled the students from their FT STEM projects and delivered the problem to them that they had to solve.

Afterwards the students got right to work and started with a mock simulated drop in the stairwell of our school.  Calculating speed, height, length, length of dropping point, and finding a scale to round out their math calculations.

Once the students felt like they had all the calculations they needed they presented their findings and I approved them to move forward with creating the stabilzing mech for the balloons.

After completing the water balloon bomb they created the release mechanism to be mounted on our apprentice.

To make it as authentic as we possibly could, we had the students mount an FPV camera facing down to simulate what the World War 1 and 2 bombers had to deal with.

After final review and a flight plan for Mr. Marshall to take, we were set to go.

Waiting for the perfect day we layed out our path and target in alignment based on what the students had calculated.

With so many variables that could wrong, we dropped around 7 water ballon bombs and on our last try we came within 10' of the target, not too bad!

Watch the rest of the episode to see how these students did it!

For more information about FT STEM: http://fliteteststem.com/ 

For more information about the MESArc Team: http://www.mesarc.club/ 

Thank you for watching and supporting the program,


Josh Briggs on April 5, 2017
Gee i wish flite test stem could come to Moree Australia. that would be awesome to do projects like that.
Also great work guys on doing that.
Whatever project you guys do I'm willing to copy it like I'm there
but not
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High Altitude Balloon Drop Simulation