Thanks to T-Motor, we were able to create a GIANT race drone that you inspired and may have seen pop up in some of our vlogs and episodes. The time has come to share it with the world!
After some trial and error, we replaced the Kombini flight controller with a full-sized Vector flight controller. With this replacement, the giant quad flew beautifully! We also increased the rates to get it to maneuver better. Initially the giant drone took flight with two 12,000mAh batteries and then upped the ante with two 26,000mAh batteries. The beast flew like butter; especially with the 26,000mAh batteries.
We thoroughly enjoyed this project and look forward to creating more giant-scale projects in the future!
What is your favorite part of this project? What giant thing should we build next? Share your thoughts in the comments below!
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Seriously, do you plan to do any load-lifting tests with the Uberquad? Might be interesting to know how much weight it can lift.
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My Lazair with 2 gasoline engines weigh less than 165 lbs. full of fuel. The Electric version uses 2 motors similar to yours. Dale's Lazair has pontoons to land and take off on water and still flys for more than 1/2 hour on batteries.
I have thinking about building a Quadcopter large and powerful enough that I can fly in. Flight time would be short until better batteries are available, but WOW what fun! Can you imagine even short flights? The plan is to first build a quadcopter big enough to put a human sized dummy inside, just to prove it is possible. Then comes the difficult part: designing a flight controller and controls safe enough for human flight. I have some electronic design experience but nothing that involved so far.
You are in a better position than me to know know what products are currently available. Can you suggest motors, props and other products that are currently available? What do you think will be the biggest problems with designing a multi-Rotor aircraft that someone could actually fly in? I'll bet you have thought about it. What do you guys think?
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