MF-Warthog Quad Project

by MESA RC | November 8, 2013 | (22) Posted in Projects


To the FliteTest Community,
This episode features our FPV Creative Grant project that we are currently working on. This particular multirotor will be our design that we use to finish out the project for the Thompson Education Foundation Creative Grant we received for this upcoming school year. This is just a prototype but has proven to be a great platform for what we are trying to accomplish. The next steps would be to have the students look over the complete design and make modifications based on the results from testing, testing train-ability and function.

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Composites Used:



The team seen here is starting to construct the Warthog trainer.  The quadcopter was designed on CAD and cut out using the laser.


Jake and Jared get the motors ready to be mounted on the standard 10 inch long booms that is sold at FliteTest or any hobby store.


Almost done with the first layer.  There is 3 layers total, the top and bottom are foam board layers.  The middle layer is Bluecore foam that you can purchase at Home Depot or Lowes.


Pic here shows the project almost completed, the booms and motors have been mounted in between all the layers making it very rigid and strong, need this for training purposes.


Colton and Ashton work on soldering the linkages.


Here is a closeup pic of the three layers.


The completed project, now it is time to test it out.


Very easy to buddy link with Dxe5 transmitters.


Mateo came and joined us with his quad!  He is getting real good.


The quad flew amazing!


Training was easier then we thought, now we just need to charge a ton of batteries, sit down, and fly around.


The MESArcFF Team will be making revisions to this design, and when completed we will have plans available for download in the upcoming months.


NoUsername on November 8, 2013
WOW, is the only thing I can say and am very impressed by the build and flight of the copter.
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MESA RC on November 10, 2013
Thanks for the comment, looking forward to revising it with the kids, very fun project.
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llharper on November 8, 2013
I want one !! Great job, as always.
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MESA RC on November 10, 2013
We should have plans after the revised version, you could make one too. It is not hard.

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Aquanot on November 12, 2013
it's always nice to see what is possible to build and fly with children :)

i will try to make a verry small workshop day with 3 children of friends and build a plane for each of them. i have to find a design that is not to expensive and dooable in just 3 hours or so and it should be for 9 - 14 year old children. i think i will let them work togehter to help the smaller ones and finish all three planes.

verry nice to see what you accomplished with them!
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LokaDesign on November 11, 2013
Very nice, lovely school!!!
But why an AR DRONE 2.0???? Hate these french made things LOL ;)
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#3 on November 9, 2013
great job for sure can you tell us what control board you are useing, motors , props and ecs and did it take forever to get the parts
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MESA RC on November 10, 2013
No problem, KK-2 board, and the following kit:

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Kyle Bower on December 4, 2013
Make plans, because i want one. This thing is so cool! Great job!
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MF-Warthog Quad Project