My DIY Bi-Quad.. what I found and how I tested.

by johanjonker | June 12, 2014 | (0) Posted in Projects

First things first.. Thanks you IBCrazy, the antenna its build according to your tutorial.

Here's a few building photos, but its rather straight forward, if you have seen the tutorials available on the net.



I've boxed it in 6mm foam so I don't easily bump it. And mounted the vTX to the back. I'm useing a cheap HK 12channel receiver.

Now.. I don't have anyway to tune the antenna and I thought let me explain how I setup my antennas..

I used the calculation 7450/1060 for section length, 3725/1060 for element spacing I used 1060 cause that was the Frequency I wanted the antenna to be.

So once build and completed.. I setup my newly build antenna on a hill, on a bridge facing down the freeway where I have about 30km line of sight.. 30km is much further than you would expect, with my openLRS radio also turned on.. on a plane than I know the vTX is good.. set the jumper on the vTX to 1040mhz, set the vRx to 1040mhz with a friend at the ground station and a phone I'm off on the back of a bakkie (pickup truck or what ever you might call it) at 14km I lost video.. so we reset moved the freq to 1060mhz and redo.. I got to 15.2km.. so we reset at 1080mhz, and got the 30km point where we will start loosing line of whatever cause you cant see 30km far. hehe.. Orange openLRS RSSI was @ 22%, and we continued to drive video was getting some snow but still flyable at 35km the video was cutting out and at 38km it wasn't flyable anymore, at 44km the openLRS was beeping like mad but I still had control..

so I intended to build a 1060mhz, but its performing so well on 1080mhz. so this antenna is now marked as 1080mhz.. but for 12km or less its fine from 910mhz - 1280mhz.  I dont fly over 1200mhz on openLRS, cause I dont have a notch filter, or a SAW filter on video installed, so my openLRS knocks my video out over 1200mhz, 1280mhz I can point my moxon at the vRx 3meters away and still knock the video out   anyways.. this is a my 1080Mhz 30km low flying setup.. I couldnt really tune my antenna to 1060mhz, but I tuned my equipment to the antenna..

my setup is JR9303 with the Orange openLRS at 1W with a Moxon antenna - rx bi-pole Video is 700mw with a inverted V, and my new bi-quad on a cheap HK 12ch receiver


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My DIY Bi-Quad.. what I found and how I tested.