Sunset tricopter FPV - Over the trees

by mioh | October 8, 2013 | (0) Posted in Just Fun

After the video "First Tricopter FPV - Under the Trees" was done all my family and friends could see the result the most common question was about altitude. So in this video, that can be called part two in my tricopter saga, I took the tricoper to new heights. Took about 3 hours to film this. 20 minutes flying, rest of the time answering questions from people passing by. Show them some hovering, let them use the FPV goggles, explained all about KK2 and motors and so on, show some flying and got more questions. Nearly went out of battery and missed the sunset because of this, but I think it's important when flying in public areas to talking to people and let them know what you are doing. Even more when they really are interested in "that flying thing". :-)

Hoped for a calm evening but as you can see the tricopter drifts rather fast when I'm not holding it back. Video mainly uploaded to show family and friends some flying with more altitude, but anyone can enjoy it.

For more info about my tricopter see "First Tricopter FPV - Under the Trees" here at Flite Test.

Once again, thank you David and all others who make this hobby so fantastic!


Music "My Song For January" composed by Dexter Britain.

Saw a beautiful FPV-video filmed from a multicopter about two years ago that changed my life. Well, it made me start thinking about attach a camera to a flying platform and try to fly it. It was something different from other multicopter videos I had seen before. This was smooth, well edited, had music and was exiting to watch. Lost the clip for some months but after a week of searching for "quadrocopter", "forest", "bridge" I found the clip again. Turned out to be a tricopter and there was a project homepage for it. . Have visited his (and this) site over and over again and want, with this video, send a big thanks to David Windestål. Tack! :-)

This is my first try flying FPV. I got a KK2.0 flight control board (thanks go to Rolf R Bakke for make this hobby so much easier) about two month ago and start building my tricopter based on "The Tricopter V2.6HV" by David. Location of flying? Same as the original, beautiful Sweden.

Music composed, produced and owned by Stereofloat. Title: Crashed


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deefred on November 4, 2013
Forstena och nygårds slätta :-)
Nära mina gamla hemtrakter vid Tunhem.
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mioh on November 4, 2013
Kul att det känns igen. Då kanske du även känner igen hagen tvärs över vägen vid hembygdsgården i "Under the Trees"? :-)
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Sunset tricopter FPV - Over the trees