Speed Build & Swappable - Component List

by FliteTest | February 6, 2013 | (75) Posted in Projects

Here is a list of recommended components that you'll need for your Speed Build (Swappable Fuselage) Kits.

Turnigy 4X FHSS 2.4ghz Transmitter and Receiver (Mode 2)

HobbyKing HK6S 2.4Ghz FHSS 6Ch Tx & Rx (Mode 2)

Hextronic 9 Gram Servo 
Suppo SP-90 9g Micro Servo
Turnigy TG9e 9g Servos

APC-style Electric Propeller - 8x4E
GWS EP Propeller (RD-8043 203x109mm) (6pcs/set) 

Turnigy 500mAh 2S 20C Lipo Pack
Turnigy 500mAh 3S 20C Lipo Pack

Dynam 18Amp ESC w/ 3A BEC
TURNIGY Plush 18amp Speed Controller
Hobbyking SS Series 18-20A ESC
Suppo 18A Brushless ESC


LazerToyz Blue Wonder 24g [2712-12]
Turnigy Park300 Brushless Outrunner 1380kv
Suppo 2208/14 1450kv Brushless Motor (Park 370 equiv.)


ADAMS Foam Board - Dollar Tree Website
ADAMS Foam Board
 (Readi-Board) - Manufacturer Website

Push Rods: Music Wire .047
Linkage Stoppers D1.8mm (10pcs)
Linkage Stopper "Speed Clevis"

Click here to see: ALL The Flite Test Scratch Build Articles 


MinG on February 13, 2013
Do u ship to UK by any chance?
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tinkerbill on October 2, 2014
This question of shipping RC stuff to the UK has been asked quite a bit. Depends on the item and if it is cost affective for you. I would be glad to help any fellow RC enthuist across the pond but wouldn't it be cost prohibitive? Besides,can't you get motors, etc locally through UK presence of Ebay, Amazon, or even direct- ship to UK from China? For instance: aliexpress.com has plenty of sellers who offer individual RC components direct from china suppliers, some offer free shipping, and most accept Visa/MasterCharge! Here is a example motor/esc package selling for £13.16 shipped!
http://tinyurl.com/2200kv-BrushlessMotor-30A-ESC package China suppliers like to sell in bulk and sellers here will do that however aliexpress is also setup for sellers willing to sell single items, retail, and ship direct to customer! This is huge! No Ebay, Amazon, or Paypal fees for the middle men! All it takes is patience to wait for shipping from China which can take a couple weeks, sometimes more. They even guarantee a full refund if you do not get your shipment! I don't think it gets any better than this! If you (or anyone else) have further questions feel free to contact me via my flitetest user name & have FUN!
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brad on April 17, 2013
Great Job Lads, me and my friend are on the Bloody Wonder combat road. Keep The Fun Comming..
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RileyRC on April 25, 2013
If it weren't for you I would have never found my new hobby
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Big fan 92 on June 10, 2014
Please build a indoor swappable tiny
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gunntommy1970 on April 28, 2013
Can you use larger batteries with this build? Like a Turnigy 800mAh 2S 35C or larger?
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stonekap on April 28, 2013
I've run up to a 1300mah... The bigger it is the higher the stall speed. An 800mah wouldn't be that different than the recommended 500mah.
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strows on February 13, 2013
Love it, keep up the good work guys!!!
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NoUsername on February 14, 2013
You guys are awsome! Thanks for being so thoughtful in designing this kit. Ordered one and am looking forward to building them. Keep up the super job and videos. Can't say enough good things about Flite Test,
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Bolvon72 on February 19, 2013
For props look around a bit, hobbypartz has a bag of 10 props for 4 or 5 bucks, Grayson has them about a buck a piece, I don't put the slow fly type on a plane for first timers, one off landing and the prop is bent and done. The standard seems to last a bit longer.
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ringo42 on February 20, 2013
I'm brand new to this. Can you recommend a specific prop from hobbypartz ? would this one be ok?

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Bolvon72 on February 20, 2013
Thats a bit small for this application, try http://www.hobbypartz.com/88e-prop-8040.html
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SpidarX on February 14, 2013
The link for the Push Rods: 1.4mm Piano Wire takes me to a servo instead!
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TECH GEEK on February 14, 2013

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Cory Roy on February 14, 2013
Great idea. I've placed my order and now am sourcing parts. I've built a kit before but it was reusing parkzone 1S stuff, so this will be my first proper kit build.

As such, I find figuring out what connectors I'll need to hook it all up a bit confusing. I think ESCs use bullet connectors, but I'm unsure of the size and usually motors come without. Can you recommend the part for these connectors to solder on?

Also is there a separate part number for prop adapters that will fit these motors?

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Chubbs on February 14, 2013
Escs will use bullet connectors as you thought, the size will depend on the size of the motor/esc you choose. If it draws under 20A (which most of these smaller motors will), i'd recommend using the smaller 2mm connectors (http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/__66__2mm_Gold_Connectors_10_pairs_20pc_.html)

The 3.5mm connectors are more standard, but I find they are really large for these smaller motors/escs, and are really overkill.

Whatever size you get, don't forget heat shrink tubing! Really critical for these connectors so they don't touch each other.

you'll also need a connector for the battery side of things. This should match whatever battery you decide to get, but all of Hobbyking's stuff uses XT60 connectors (http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/__9572__Nylon_XT60_Connectors_Male_Female_5_pairs_GENUINE.html)

Finally, the prop adapter will depend on the size of your motor shaft. This should be listed on the page of whatever motor you buy. Most in this size range are 3mm (http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/__8240__Prop_Saver_w_Band_3mm_10pcs_.html), but be sure to check with your specific motor.
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Cory Roy on February 14, 2013
Thanks! I am in your debt!
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snowthief2 on February 14, 2013
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ringo42 on February 19, 2013
Would this prop work?

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QRChuck on March 3, 2013
got mine today and am super stoked about building the ft flyer and dart. I have be crash testing the nutball and look forward to the same with the dart and flyer.
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Duallight on March 14, 2013
would a 25 gram 1600kv be to much kv for the swappables? I'm assuming that it would just make the planes go faster, am I correct? I'm still relatively new fyi.
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Adib Vahedi on February 14, 2013
Cool thanks guys and i hope you get lots of Money for this and keep it up!!!!!! ;)
You guys inspire me and i <3 you!!!

Keep it up and never stop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)
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Big fan 92 on June 10, 2014
Ya man helped me a lot I found a new side hobby
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Bolvon72 on February 13, 2013
The Suppo is a great motor, I have three various Suppos now, but try out the GraysonHobbies disposable sport combo if anyone wants a cheap motor for these first three swappables. $20 for motor and esc. It flies circles around the hextronik. Of course the Suppo outflies them both.
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serfixalot on March 8, 2014
Witch is best the treaded shaft or the prop saver shaft?
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rodyeo on February 14, 2013
http://www.micro-flight.com This is the Microlight kit I dreamed :-))
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jrbemis on February 14, 2013
Awesome idea.
I am going to running a Boy Scout Camporee based on Aviation. One part of the event is building and flying your own model. This cuts the cost down to size. Now all I have to do is get the electronics from HK in less than 3 months.


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Battershell on February 14, 2013
I can't wait to get home and order! Thank you as always for the links to the electronics you use. Maybe someday you can combo those parts into a kit as well?????? Thank you again.
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GFergy on February 15, 2013
Great job with the swappable Kits!! Hey, where do you get your wire for push rods? Anything you find 'locally'?
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Chubbs on February 15, 2013
I had to go to my local hobby shop. You can try Lowes/Home Depot, as they have wire rod, but I found that even their smallest size was much too large for a plane this size. It's worth a shot though.

I think I paid $3 or so for 5 rods (3ft each) at my LHS, so they aren't that expensive.
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Rosario on February 27, 2015
I know this is a old post but if you guys try a craft store they should have it as well Just FYI for anyone who may have just found this page
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Kdobson83 on September 9, 2015
I found some stem wire for fake plants to work perfectly for the push rods. A 20 pack of 18 gauge wire cost $2. They work and they are cheap. Found them right next to the hot glue guns at Michaels.
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SnapPunchRobert on January 11, 2016
Yes, Michaels is great sometimes.
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solo-rick on November 25, 2015
I've tried several types of wire; piano wire is a bit too flexible for me, hobby store control wires can get a bit expensive. I read a post on here somewhere about marking flag wire. so I went to Stines and found them. They are about $7.00 for 100 flags and they work great. I think they are sturdy enough for landing gear too.

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jhiggy on March 7, 2013
This looks to be a good all around kit for these planes. Seems to include just about everything you need: http://www.nitroplanes.com/60p-dy-1026.html
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Eric84 on March 28, 2013
Hello, I'm getting into the hobby. Could anyone reccomend a complete charging system for the 2s and 3s lipo batteries? I would rather not use a car battery to power the charger. Thanks so much for any help.

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acewingman on April 9, 2013
I primarily charge 2/3S batteries with a regulated power supply. You can get one from here... http://www.parts-express.com/pe/showdetl.cfm?partnumber=120-536
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rodyeo on February 14, 2013
Love the kits build concept. Hope some day you guys could build the Ultralight Trike kit for sale... :-)

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Big fan 92 on June 10, 2014
Ya or a small indoor kit would be fun
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jlt1968 on February 14, 2013
Love the site love the videos. Have a questions about the swapables. I have a hitec radio I bought a few years ago and have never used. Its a 3 channel single stick radio would this be a good radio for the swapable series planes. I plan on building all three and teaching myself and my kids how to fly.
I'm so glad you have made this an afordable hobbie.
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Chubbs on February 22, 2013
$25 (+shipping) will get you a decent radio off of hobbyking. As Smit said, your radio will work for 2 of the 3 planes, but I can't imagine wanting to teach your kids to fly on an obsolete 1 stick radio. They will just have to re-learn later on a normal radio when they're ready to move up.

If you're really looking to get into the hobby, I'd highly recommend spending a little extra on the Turnigy 9x or 9XR radio. They're a little more expensive ($50 + shipping), but they're 9ch computerized radios that will last for your entire RC career, with no need to upgrade, ever.
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smit6089 on February 18, 2013
It would be suitable for the Nutball and the FT Flyer but not for the Delta. The Delta needs something called V-Tail or Delta Wing Mixing which lets you use your elevators as both elevators and ailerons. This is usually built into most newer computer transmitters. I highly doubt your 3 channel has this feature. It would still let you fly two great planes.
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RCmaniac on February 17, 2013
I really like these speed build swappable kits maybe someday you can make a combo that come with the three kits and the electronics!
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jhiggy on March 7, 2013
Can you possibly give some other alternatives to those props since they probably will be out of stock for the foreseeable future.
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cloud9photos on February 18, 2013
Any other motor recommendations? 2 out of the 3 are out of stock!! I was thinking about using one of these motors http://www.graysonhobby.com/catalog/disposablefoamiecombo3d18aescthreadshaft-p-568.html

I also have 2 park 450's in the garage, but that may be a bit to heavy any thoughts?
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Bolvon72 on February 19, 2013
I use both the 3D and sport disposables. I like the prop saver better than the threaded shaft, the nut is a pain on the field. They both work great for these models.
Sport: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S5tSMN_Q7bE
3D: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SIXX-qLRuUk
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cloud9photos on February 19, 2013
Awesome, thanks for the links and answering my question. I'm going to go with the sport motor for my builds.
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Rosario on February 27, 2015
Just FIY I use Emax CF2812-2822 2805's for almost everything I scratch build its a great long lasting little all around motor I get them from Value Hobby ($8)
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Rosario on February 27, 2015
Forgot the most important thing that keeps these motor lasting so long if you use these put some epoxy where the wires enter the windings if they stop working its because of a hard crash and the wire(s) pull out or break at that point. After I started doing this before use I have motors going on 4-5 years and still I use today
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snowthief2 on February 19, 2013
neither of the props have been available for ages are there any others

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nunieboy on February 28, 2013
hi, i just have a question about the components on this build.
i just bought the 18a ESC, but will this same set up work for the ft3d or the baby blender?
i want to eventually move up but i'm scared the smaller motor/esc will hinder me from enjoying the ft3d or baby blender
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82ndRCFlyer on June 16, 2013
Im new so please bare with me can i use theTx that comes with v Bixler 1.1with this recommended set up?

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danield on July 3, 2013
Went to order power kit for FT 3 pack today. availability not for sale.( LazerToyz.com currently has a great electronics package designed specifically for the Flite Test Swappable Series! More details AVAILABLE HERE. - See more at: http://flitetest.com/articles/swappable-fuselage-speed-build-kit#sthash.SG7HQU5V.dpuf Link works but could not order. link for FT 3D worked and I ordered. Could not get hold of there customer service.
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cyasa on July 10, 2013
Can I use a Turnigy 1000mAh 3S 25C Lipo Pack +Hobbyking SS Series 18-20A ESC+ HEXTRONIK 24GRAM BRUSHLESS OUTRUNNER 1300KV or will it burn the motor out?
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RC爱好者 on August 5, 2013
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TCJ4 on September 3, 2013
I have a couple of Turnigy D2826-6 2200kv Outrunner Motors I was wondering if this would be comparable to the Beef motor recommended.
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iZilly on August 5, 2013
I am going to build the FT3 soon but i am not very good a matching electronics? would there be anyone who could post me all the things needed, Motor, ESC, Servos, props and maybe batteries.

I do have radio and reciever, only need the electronics for the swappable pod
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Steamwork on August 31, 2013
can i use the propellers recommended above to push rather than pull? i mean can i mount them flipped?(the gws ep propellers i mean)
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ramo on November 7, 2013
this is my first foamie---gave it to a friend, he set it up and we flew it--WOW. now I have to build 2 more. I did seal edges with my iron, helps . lov-it making the wing now. ty again--69 years old and still flying.
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gector on November 13, 2013
I need to know the smallest motor that will possibly fly the FT Flyer, I am planning to use it as an indoor flyer for my local club. 'Cause the weather is gett'n bad.
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devin2014 on January 27, 2014
Hi does anyone know how to make a powerpod which would be compatible with the more advanced planes like the spitfire as well as the ft flier and more basic models? thanks
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Charlie_King on February 24, 2014
Thanks Guys Ive been watching your videos for a while and now with your help I am creating my own
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Charlie_King on February 24, 2014
PLanes that is not videos...lol
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Scruffy on March 3, 2014
Which Batteries you recommend for old speedster? I am asking because there is a few different recommendations on your website anything from 500mAh to 1300mAh.
I am looking to order electronics from hobbyking and a a kit from you guys.
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Scruffy on March 3, 2014
EDIT: Also There are two prop recommendations as well: 8x4 and slow ones 9x4.7.
I am just starting so I am little confused.
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Felixhobbyz on December 14, 2013
Hi, I am relatively new to all rc planes ect. I have a dx4e transmitter and was wondering if I could put a 4ch receiver in the pod instead of having to buy a whole new transmitter and receiver? Any help would be great. thanks!

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Yogenh on February 12, 2014
With the DX4e you can put an other receiver in each of the pod you would then just have to bind it to the plane be for you fly it.
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imanewb on April 19, 2014
As a self proclaimed newb and most items on this list being out of stock including the LazerToyz pack I'm left with the 3 Pack Swappable Speed Build Kit in transit and electronics confusion. I am sure i will get it figured out but if anyone with a good understanding of this stuff would be kind enough to share required specks for the items I would be grateful. I figure that way I could find what I need and others could use it too as its not tied to a specific brand that can be out of stock or discontinued.
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SeanJuan73 on May 8, 2014
You guys might want to update the options information. For example, the LazerToyz power pack has been discontinued.
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kujosdawgs on May 27, 2014
has it been discontinued or out of stock?
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kujosdawgs on May 27, 2014
yeah man, its just out of stock... not discontinued
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jyoung2014 on April 26, 2014
I have all the electronics and the kit on the way, but i am having issues finding a more affordable radio that will work... i wet to order the suggested one but the shipping is double the price! any suggestions on different models that will perform the same? thanks for the help! i need to order one soon....
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vptorres on May 27, 2014
I'm new to all this. The only thing that is missing for a suggestion is what type/style of screws are needed to mount motor to firewall. Suggestions?
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kujosdawgs on May 31, 2014
yea, same here
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sasoahe on July 22, 2014
should i remove the battery every time to recharge it ??

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wanabeRCexpert on November 28, 2016
you dont need to just be aware and make sure you battery does not puff inside your plane
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MartyLJ57 on August 11, 2014
After watching the Beginners Video on Batteries I sure got the fear of God put into me. I didn't know that Li Pos could burst into flames. How often does the happen or is it just a possibality?
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tinkerbill on October 2, 2014
Do not fear, just respect and follow safety procedures. Most flat Li-poly batteries have on-board charge/discharge controllers just for this reason! This is also why it takes a special charger for these kinds of batteries. I like to tinker but made the mistake of bypassing the on-board controller (because it had failed) on a old cell phone battery. I used a plain 500ma dc charger of the right voltage and it looked like it was accepting the charge well. I then made the almost fatal mistake of taking a mid-day nap. I was awakened by the screech of one of my smoke alarms to discover most of the top of my wooden desk on fire with flames leaping 4ft in the air! I got it out with one of those small fire extinguishers that uses a fine white powder to smother the fire. I'm glad I woke up and got the fire out but that fine powder was EVERYWHERE!!! I am still finding it in crevices & places I missed during cleanup and this was more than a year ago. God protects fools, at least the ones who love him!
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Trex014 on July 24, 2014
I can't wait to make a nut ball
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horacio monterroso on August 8, 2014
awesome videos, keep going you have RC fans as far as in Guatemala City
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florigami on August 2, 2014
Can i use m2 push rods

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Duncan on January 13, 2015
Great I love having a list to work from, it is so helpful. How about a list for multirotor builds? I know very little about them
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Waycoop1 on May 28, 2015
The batteries I'll be using are: Turnigy 1300mAh 3S 20C Lipo Pack...
Which charger do you recommend?
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PaulHicks on September 4, 2015
I tried to order your 3-in-1 airplane kit...but...when I went to check out your ad to have me sign up for your newsletter blocked my order. So, I am not sure whether my order went through or not. When someone orders...don't block the order with a bunch of pop-ups. Call me to confirm if my order went through....please: 5737186056
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PaulHicks on September 4, 2015
Also, where does a customer go to track order...if it actually did go through.
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pressalltheknobs on August 11, 2015
Both the TXs recommended above in the article are poor choices.
Turnigy 4X FHSS 2.4ghz Transmitter and Receiver (Mode 2)
HobbyKing HK6S 2.4Ghz FHSS 6Ch Tx & Rx (Mode 2)
They will work but they are very limited and about their only advantage is price. The biggest issue with them is no model memory but they also lack other useful possibly essential features and they appear to have only one choice of receiver that can only be obtained from HK. Something of a dead end.

Better choices for an inexpensive radio are these made by FlySky and branded by HobbyKing....

They all have the essential features although the CT6B requires a bit of organization to take advantage of it

Hobby King 2.4Ghz 6Ch Tx & Rx V2 (Mode 2) AKA FlySky CT6B
You have to use a computer to set this up but there is quite a lot of after market support for it. The 6ch V2 receiver that comes with it also works with the other two TXs here.

Turnigy 9X 9Ch Transmitter w/ Module & 8ch Receiver (Mode 2) aka FlySky FS-TH-9X
This radio, TX-9X-M2, has lots of flexibility and it you are handy with stuff you can upgrade it to be a very powerful radio.

or this..
Turnigy TGY-i6 AFHDS Transmitter and 6CH Receiver (Mode 2) aka FS-i6
It can use the same receivers as the other two but also supports Flysky's new protocol AFDHS 2A with some nice small receivers.

Other choices to consider are the Spektrum 5e which is very basic but at least it is compatible with Spektrum receivers so you can fly a Nano QX or a Duet with it. Or better the Spektrum 6i which is similar feature wise to the three I suggest above but a bit more pricey. If you buy one of these Spektrums used make sure it is a DSMX version. It will have an X on the front. The older DSM2 versions are not as good because the DSM2 protocol can be problematic. It's fine if its a gift but only pay money for a DSMX.

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MaximillionFriday on January 12, 2016
silly question??? what makes the "swappable" builds swappable?
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Robbutler1977 on March 27, 2016
The power pod. You can just take the ziptie off and move it over to like 12 different plane desines. And different skill levels. That way you don't have to buy motor, prop, firewall, esc, battery, RX and even the pod it's self made 12 times. That saves a lot of money.
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jravert on July 23, 2015
I have a 2212 1000kv Brushless Motor and a bunch of 7x6E Props sitting around. Would that combination do okay on the FT Flyer Kit?
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bear34 on March 27, 2016
Where can I get the firewall besides the speed build kit?
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Abouttime67 on May 5, 2018
Go into their store and check under "accessories" / "plane supplies"
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kellend on June 16, 2016
These guys and their products are great. Their knowledge vast. But the phones are unanswered. I just need a tracking number.
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PoorManRC on October 28, 2018
BOTH Radios listed above are DISCONTINUED!! 😭😭
Any other suggestions for inexpensive RX/TX Combos?
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Abouttime67 on May 5, 2018
It has been several years since you created this list of components. Have there been any changes? Newer recommendations? Thanks! Keep up the great work!
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GuusvanMarle on June 18, 2018
yeah, would like to know to since I'm thinking about making this as my first airplane, would a cheap emax 2204 2300kv motor work as well?
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iam.mike on August 20, 2020
Time to blow the dust and re-maiden this bad boy! It's been in storage for the last six years or so. See if it still flies!
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Speed Build & Swappable - Component List