Swappable nnMiG 3 - FREE PLANS

by nerdnic | September 23, 2014 | (34) Posted in Projects


-Jaxx from the FT forums

I wasn't very interested in the speed before watching this video. Now, I have to go find that aluminum spar that you use in your wings.

-jcannon614 from the FT forums

Nic, again you nailed another warbird. Im really enjoying following your builds! keep up the awesome work!


UPDATE - January 2015
Over the last few months many people have built and enjoyed the nnMiG 3. It's been a huge success! Seeing others enjoying this beautiful plane as much as I do is awesome and I love getting to see photos of everyone's builds. I have put together a gallery of some of the photos for everyone else to enjoy.

Community nnMiG 3 builds


Hi friends, it's that time again! I have just completed my 4thdesign and I am pleased to present to you my nnMiG 3 swappable.

If you like this design then perhaps you’ll like some of my others as well.


When I started to design the nnMiG 3 I had just one thing in mind, speed. I wanted something purpose built from the ground up to be able to handle high speed and high G flying. With an all new, ultra-thin, semi symmetrical airfoil, and razor sharp tailing edge, the nnMiG 3 wing allows you to achieve the highest level of performance. The flush installation of the wing on the fuselage removes the need to cut a ‘wing hole’ and leaves a seamless look and feel. The nnMiG 3 is truly a high performing plane and is a real treat to fly.

If you're interested in reading more info about the nnMiG 3, I have a forum thread that covers the design and build.







3 (Can be made as a 4)


Airframe - 350g
BEEF Equivalent - 700g
PROJECT Speed - 1000g with 40c 3000mah 4S


BEEF Equivalent
MOTOR - Turnigy D3530/14 1100kv 73g 315w 22a
PROP - 9x6 APC
ESC - HobbyKing Blue 30a
BATTERY - 2000mah - 3300mah 3S
SERVOS - 4x HobbyKing 9g

MOTOR - Tacon Big Foot 10 1100kv 1100w
PROP - 10x10 APC
ESC - 80a Dynam
BATTERY - 3000mah 40c 4S
SERVOS - 4x EMAX Metal Gear


3 sheets DTFB
4 BBQ skewer
1 sheet poster board
1 FT Power Pod
1 landscape flag
1 2 liter bottle
1 flat aluminum 1/16" x 1/2" x 3' 


Beginner – You’ve never flown a plane before, let alone done a scratch build
Novice – You’ve flown a plane but have no experience with scratch building
Intermediate – You’ve flown and built a few FT style planes before
Advanced – You’ve mastered the standard FT build style and are looking for a new challenge
Expert – You’ve mastered all build techniques and aren’t afraid to improvise or tackle tedious builds

The nnMiG 3 is an advanced build.



nnMiG 3

Version 1.1
November 22nd 2014
Change log
--Add Basic wing plans
--Added cutout for Basic wing to fuse
Version 1
September 22nd 2014
Change log



Guy from the FT forums has put together some build videos. Check them out here!



Will this plane work with the standard FT powerpod and electronics?
Yes. The Beef package/park 425 or greater will work just fine and the maiden video was shot using this type of setup.

Will there be a build video?
Yes, see above. The wing design requires a new technique to build and you can also follow jayz 84 from the FT forums who has made a step by step walkthrough.

How scale is the nnMiG 3?
The elevator was enlarged by a small amount, everything else is as scale as I could make it.

Is the nnMiG 3 a good plane for a beginner to fly?
No. It is an advanced build and requires a skilled pilot to fly.

I want to build the 120MPH version of the nnMiG 3, what do I need to know?
The standard build and 120MPH build are the same. You’ll already need an aluminum spar in the wing but no structural changes need to be made in order to achieve 120 MPH. Check out my forum thread where I talk in more detail about the spar.



Tips stalls at slow speed will occur. They aren’t very bad and with very little effort you can recover.

Wind performance is great. There are no issues in the wind at all.

You’ll need about half throttle to launch and landing is not bad on the standard electronics. If you’re running the Tacon motor and 4s you’ll need to come in hot on your landings.

Rolls, loops, and inverted are solid. The nnMiG 3 has a very clean looking roll.

The large wing cord helps the glide slope but don’t expect too much out of the nnMiG 3 here, she wants to go fast.

For the design, I’d say it’s not bad. With that being said the overall slow speed performance is average compared to a standard FT style wing design, but above average compared to comparable EPO foamies.

The nnMiG 3 looks amazing with the red decals on the white body. The large winglets and long nose are really eye catching features. It’s hard to describe the overall feel of the nnMiG 3 but the best way I can put it is that you can really feel the weight of the plane. It doesn’t feel floaty or impacted by wind. It just does what you control it to do. The controls are responsive and crisp and the plane has follow through. Inputs carry weight and you can feel it as you fly. It’s not something I’ve encountered flying DTFB planes before so it is a cool experience.



The nnMiG 3 is a super sleek, extremely fast, and exciting plane to fly. It doesn’t have any really bad tendencies with everything accounted for, but don’t expect a floaty trainer experience. The nnMiG 3 is an advanced build and will take an experienced pilot to fly safely and well. The standard electronics provide very good performance and for those daring enough the PROJECT Speed setup will give you hours of glorious, white knuckle fun.

Thanks for checking out the nnMiG 3! If you built a nnMiG 3 and enjoyed it please consider donating a few bucks so I can buy more supplies to make more great planes.

Also, coming soon is the nnA-10, so be on the look out for that!


MEbyGood on September 26, 2014
You are building some really great planes. I am a DeHavilland fan, and liked seeing the Moth and the Chippie. Just a little niggling concern. When you are flying, especially test-flying a fast little beast like the MiG, please don't overfly the kiddies playing soccer. I am sure you are a good pilot and competent builder. It shows on the video. But your video is being seen by good, bad and ugly fliers, and some of them will take it as license to do likewise. I'm the father of a soccer player and young pilot who watches FT, and want him to be safe in both roles. Thanks.
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nerdnic on September 26, 2014
Thanks for bringing this up. I will watch out for this in the future.
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Yogenh on September 26, 2014
Would like to know a little more about the aluminum spar. Like the size of it and is there 2 of them in each wing? Could you use a carbon fiber rod for the spar?? Thanks
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Yogenh on September 26, 2014
never mind I saw it in the forum it is a lot of help
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nerdnic on September 27, 2014
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Grearson on September 25, 2014
wow i like your designs =) good job

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nerdnic on September 25, 2014
Thanks man! This is one of my favorites, it really is just a very cool looking plane.
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timmyklus on September 25, 2014
Very impressive! Have you thought of doing a P-40? Nice work!
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nerdnic on September 25, 2014
Thanks! I have, it's in my large list of 'planes that I want to eventuality do.' I decided to start with planes that are less common and then work my way to some more traditional birds.
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LordVader on September 25, 2014
Love the Mig 3. I tried one earlier this summer, but failed miserably. I love all your designs, keep it up and a big thank you for all your contributions.:)
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nerdnic on September 25, 2014
Thanks man! I love making planes and it's great to be able to share them with everyone.
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anonymous rc pilot on September 26, 2014
awesome design and a seamless build, i'd love to see you build a high performance glider maybe similar to KA-8 but with a narrow fuselage and mid mounted wings
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nerdnic on September 26, 2014
Thanks! I have thought about this and I plan to tackle something similar in the future.
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Holski77 on September 26, 2014
Dude, your designs are awesome! I like the decals too.

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nerdnic on September 26, 2014
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Krivak957 on September 26, 2014
Nerdnic - The nnPlanes are crowding out the FT Planes on my build list. I love the "not usual" subjects that you are choosing. Now you are developing new technology like semi-sym. wings. Keep up the good work. You'll have to design a twin soon. Can't wait to see what obscure twin-engine subject you choose.
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nerdnic on September 26, 2014
Thanks! I am working on the nnA-10 right now and then by community choice a nnP-38. They will both bring new challenges but I'm excited to work on them.
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Krivak957 on September 26, 2014
The P-38 is a reasonable choice: Popular, but not overdone; and with challenging build aspects. I look forward to your interpretation of this plane.
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nerdnic on September 26, 2014
If twins are your thing then you might like my other 'to do' builds. DH-88 and Mosquito.
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BuckE67 on September 29, 2014
wow! beautiful airplane! Great job! Excellent flying skills too!
Can't be prone to "dumb thumbs" like me and fly that plane!
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nerdnic on September 29, 2014
Thanks, I'm glad you like it. When I'm flying that fast I definitely have a bit of white knuckle going on :P
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T-Richard on September 25, 2014
Looks awesome, Fantastic job!
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nerdnic on September 25, 2014
Thanks man!
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marc60 on September 25, 2014
Great plane! I like the way the wings fit to the fuselage at the back of the wing
Well done
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nerdnic on September 25, 2014
Thanks man! The wing was a real treat to design. This is my first 'slim wing' and it came out beautifully. I wasn't sure how much of a flight characteristic impact it would have and it definitely changes the entire feel.
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alibopo on September 25, 2014
Another superb design. How about a Polikarpov I-16? hint hint :)

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nerdnic on September 25, 2014
I have the P-26 peashooter in my backlog :)
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alibopo on September 26, 2014
Looking forward to that - I like those 30's designs. If I can tempt you over to the Polikarpov 'ratta' - it has the same rounded body and radial engine as the P26, but had retractable landing gear... meaning the same 'flat bottom' design as you're currently working with. Beautiful little plane. :)
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dalaman on September 27, 2014
Nerdnic: very nice looking plane and PLANS! Well done and a big thank you for taking the time to share with the group. I'm going to build this one and hopefully it will fly straight and true like the FT Spitfire and Racer. Later...
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nerdnic on September 27, 2014
You're welcome! I have built all the FT planes and the Spitfire is my favorite of all their designs by far. The nnMiG will not feel like any of their planes, though, but it does fly very very true!
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LetsFlyRC on September 30, 2014
Dude, you are doing awesome. You are really banging out some planes. Great work. I have to build some of your planes soon. I love the speed.
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nerdnic on September 30, 2014
Thanks man! It's a blast designing these things and I'm glad you're digging them. Whichever plane you build make sure to share a picture!
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udo789 on September 25, 2014
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nerdnic on September 25, 2014
Heh, thanks :P
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LordVader on September 25, 2014
I would like to see how you made that canopy, it looks great.
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nerdnic on September 25, 2014
After I got the design down the actual 'making of' the canopy is pretty easy. It's just a little hot glue and electrical tape. I will cover it in depth during the build video. If you have any questions I can try to explain the best I can now, though.
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Strix on September 26, 2014
Beautiful plane! I'm going to have to build one because a Russian video-game buddy of mine has been bugging me for months and months to build a Mig 3.

HOWEVER, there is a problem with the plans for this plane. The PDFs are in raster format rather than vector format. I tried printing on the plotter at work and it ran out of memory. Converting the PDF to a CAD format didn't work because the data in the PDF isn't vectors.

If you fix this, I will happily drop a couple bucks in your paypal. :)
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nerdnic on September 26, 2014
Interesting.. I didn't even think about this. I will see if I can get this fixed tonight.
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nerdnic on September 27, 2014
So I use Photoshop CS6 to make my plans and it looks like there is no way to save/export my file in vector.

Is there another file format that might work outside of PDF for your plotter? I can save as something else but the content will still be raster.
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Strix on September 28, 2014
You're using Photoshop for CAD work!? That's like Flea playing a washtub bass. Your design talents deserve better. :)

There's free CAD software out there that could possibly make your work even better. Sketchup Make and Dassault Systemes DraftSight are two that might be work looking into.

Anyways, I was able to tweak some settings and get a satisfactory import from the PDFs into DWG format and then into DraftSight. It's far from perfect, but it will suffice to get it printed.

Thanks for posting the plans! I'll send a couple bucks your way on Paypal later this week, when I've had a chance to transfer some funds.
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nerdnic on September 29, 2014
Heh, when I decided I wanted to try to design my first plane it was easy to go with software I already knew. I'd like to learn Sketchup and I plan to at some point, but for now this is working well.

I started a video tutorial series that covers my technique - http://flitetest.com/articles/part-1-how-to-design-dtfb-planes

I am excited to see your nnMiG, post a picture or video when you're all done! And thank you for donating, any bit helps :-)
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jarpy on September 26, 2014
coolest design yet your clearly a great builder. this might not be your style but id love to see something like a cub or any bush plane. keep up the good work!
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nerdnic on September 26, 2014
Hey thanks! A bush plane would be fun, if I were to do one, what would you wanna see?
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jarpy on September 26, 2014
I'd actually love to see a pilatus PC 6 or a cub. A cub would be cool and definitely fun but cubs are pretty common, a pilatus would also be a cool one because it's out of the ordinary and a very interesting design check it out. Thanks for your time!
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nerdnic on September 27, 2014
Thanks for the suggestion, I will see about possibly doing it in the future!
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jarpy on September 28, 2014
Thanks for the consideration!
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Yogenh on September 25, 2014
Boy you do such great work. I have liked all of the planes that you have come up with. Just wish that I could do all of that. I will have to try and see if I can come up with one myself. Thanks for your work
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nerdnic on September 25, 2014
Thank you! I should have some updates to my tutorial series in the near future to help you learn the skills needed to design yourself.
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eMoon on September 25, 2014
You are an animal!! Keep them coming. This one and your Chipmunk are on my build list. Excellent work!
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nerdnic on September 25, 2014
Haha, awesome! Please let me know how your builds go, I'd love to hear!
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808aerosquadron on September 25, 2014
Beautiful plane. Well done.
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nerdnic on September 25, 2014
Thanks! It was a fun and challenging plane to design, totally worth it in the end.
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rmulders on May 20, 2015
Awesome plane! Beautiful, I will build one!

But dude... If you hit someone with that speed there is a chance you will kill that person. 1 kilo nose first with 120 Mph will do serious damage. I mean you are a great pilot but if something breaks flying around those other people.
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nerdnic on May 20, 2015
You are absolutely right. This has come up a lot since I posted this video and I've since been more careful. I'm gonna add a disclaimer to the video I think.
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fonzoahrak on December 8, 2015
Can I build the wing without the aluminum part and put foam instead?
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nerdnic on January 18, 2016
Yes you can, but only if you're going with the lower power setup.
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AcBates on July 14, 2015
The lack of safety in this video literally makes me sick. Diving over people not in communication with or have a clue about how dangerous that model is. This is not hyperbolic: that model would kill someone instantly if it hits them in the head. At 2:28 the model is directly diving at someone, and at the end of the low pass two people have walked THROUGH the flight path. This hobby is doomed if this kind of thing doesn't improve, and we're doing it to ourselves.
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fonzoahrak on January 18, 2016
how much dihedral angle did u put on the wing?
i could not find it on the basic wingor the speed wing
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nerdnic on January 18, 2016
4.5cm at each wingtip should be what you aim for. Less is fine, though. It's only if you add more that you'll start to get weird behavior.
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Kdeffenbaugh on April 18, 2016
I'm having trouble printing these plans to the full size of the plane. Does anyone have instructions on how to do this?
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jordy123 on March 13, 2016
I finished cutting a minute ago and want to wait for my sister to come home so she can take pictures. Will post them. Nerdnic, thank you for designing this plane, I will have so much fun flying it. especially because my airfield has no trees.:D
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nerdnic on March 13, 2016
Can't wait to see it!
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Swappable nnMiG 3 - FREE PLANS