Tiny Trainer as a free flight chuck glider

by The different designer | July 13, 2017 | (1) Posted in Projects

I've been following the progress of Flite Test, ever since I was introduced into the RC hobby in 2013. However it is only this year that I have found the time and materials to build one of their great designs. Initially, I was rather spoilt for choice. However I knew I wanted a plane which could be built first as a free flight aeroplane (I would be more comfortable honing my build skills on an inexpensive free flight model rather than an expensive rc one!), and once converted to RC, be an easy plane to fly. I have only flown simple two channel models so I needed this plane to be a sort of "stepping stone" to three and four channel flight. The choice was whittled down to two candidates: the Ft Sparrow and the Ft Tiny Trainer.

You no doubt guessed it. I went with the Tiny Trainer.  

I didn't bother with taking any pictures of the construction progress, as it was all exactly how Josh Bixler does it. However I did cover the model in coloured packing tape (thanks Ed from Experimental Airlines). 

In my Youtube video (down below) I discuss the Tiny Trainer from a chuck glider perspective. Here it is.


I hope you enjoy the video! It's my first "proper" Youtube video and hopefully it won't be my last! It is my intention to share a number of my designs with the vast Flite Test community, so that the community as a whole can develop some fun new skills and glean some helpful new knowledge. At the time of writing, I am transfering my first design from my head to paper and finally to foamboard. I hope to share the design with you all, so that we can all learn something new.

Finally, I wish to thank the amazing Flite Test crew as well as Ed from Experimental Airlines, for giving me the courage to start, building and flying my own stratchbuild designs. Without a doubt, they are far more enjoyable than any store bought model! 

Happy flying, 




MiniacRC on September 28, 2018
Nice review and project! :)
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Tiny Trainer as a free flight chuck glider