Scratch quad 2nd flight disaster

by Pillip Flop | October 4, 2012 | (7) Posted in Just Fun

Back in August  I stumbled on this brilliant clip of a budget tricopter build and where to get the parts

I was spell bound, I thought these things were either and too expensive or too complex to get hold of and fly…. I instantly wanted one!  So 3 months ago I decided to sell my 1/10 scale spitfire which had been doing nothing in my attic for 3 years. It took so long to build and I was too fond of it too see it destroyed on its maiden flight having no RC experience. This funded my multicopter project.

3 months later, a long time spent on the GAUI 330X-S simulator a steep learning curve and getting side tracked by the brilliant Multiwii website. I built a quadcopter. If I crashed my spitfire that would have been it. But if I were to smash a quad and break a motor I could build  that tricopter  I first wanted. Sounds simple enough. As it turned out I broke 2 motors and err… a roof. Oops! Nothing ventured nothing gained aye.

This is what happened on the second test flight.


squishy on October 5, 2012
Video blocked in the US...
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Pillip Flop on October 5, 2012
Oh I didn`t know it was blocked. Youtube did say something about copyright infringement. They said nothing about blocking it I’ve got Pink Floyds “learning to fly” as the sound track. I`ll find a way round it. It`s my first youtube post as well so bear with me and I’ll try and get it sorted. Thanks for letting me know.
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colorex on October 5, 2012
Same here... EMI music block...
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Pillip Flop on October 5, 2012
All sorted!... It should be viewable now. Let me know if it`s still blocked.

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Jake Wells on October 6, 2012
I hate crashing. I hate crashing. I hate crashing. Did I mention, I hate crashing. Especially into stuff that's not mine. During the last three weeks I've caught my quad twice before crashing and cut my arms all up, but didn't break anything. Nothin a little superglue couldn't fix. I'd rather bleed than crash. Hope you get everything going again.
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Pillip Flop on October 6, 2012
I couldn`t agree more, when I finally found my quad sticking out some ones roof and then confronted by the angry owner. I think I actually went into shock. I was not expecting that. I`m just having a rethink before rebuilding. I hear there are some really good value 9DOF Sensor sticks just come on the market which seem to be good quality. Better than the wii motion plus & NK I was using. should be back in the air in no time. Thanks Jake.
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ipetepete on October 5, 2012
Too bad. I love a good crash video. Especially when its not my own ;)
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Scratch quad 2nd flight disaster