Crash course in areobatics1: Rolls

by Adventure rc | August 30, 2014 | (7) Posted in How To



You may think that a guide like this may be pointless, as most of us tend to just yank the stick to the side and that's a roll. But you may notice that even the most aroebatic of planes lose height after just a few rolls. So if you are interested in doing spectacular, consistant and eventually slow rolls then read on!

Normally when you do a roll the easy way, i.e yanking the stick to the side, the overall path of the plane will dip down or will do if you continue rolling, so to begin remedying this you begin with.........


We'll start at the basics.So to begin with, when you roll and reach the inverted point give the stick a bit of a jab forward. Like so:

 Then, after a few rolls like this try to smoothen out the manouvre. So as you approach the inverted point after the 90 degree position add more forward stick, until you reach the point where the plane is entirely inverted when you will graduallly ease off the stick pressure until you are at the 90 degree position on the other side. If the plane pitches upwards during any of this, ease off the stick pressure until it becomes level again. Got that? good, then you are ready to move on to.....

RUDDER (this is where it gets a bit tricky)

Once you have mastered the elevator manouvre try using rudder. This is where you need a clear mental image (i'll supply one for you). If you imagine rolling clockwise from the rear, as you reach the 90degree point in the roll, add a stab of left rudder and do the same as you approach the 90degree point on the opposite side although this time with right rudder.It should look like this.

 As with the elevator, iron this out and gently add the rudder as you begin the roll and ease off the pressure as you reach the inverted point. Then add it on again as you pass the inverted point and ease it off when you reach the level. If it jerks off in the direction you are adding rudder then ease off the stick until it returns to normal. Remember you are trying to get this roll perfectly level.

Remember for both the above keep the plane rolling while you're doing these, or you'll never get all the way round!


Eventually you will need to blend these together, it will be difficult at first, it always is, but if you get tangled up in any of the manouvres keep practisising until you get it right.Here is a diagram to help put the clockwise roll absolubetly clear in you mind.


I use a method that i created that i call RDL which stands for Right (rudder) Down (elevator) and Left (rudder) thats if you roll anticlockwise, for clockwise do it the other way i.e. LDR, it just makes it a bit easier to remember when your freezing your mitts off at the field and is easier than remebering the enitre article or the diagrams. However, if you have any trouble blending them together then practise, practise practise...... I cannot tell you how important practise is in areobatics. Don't be afraid to make mistakes, as this is how we all learn, however, just in case do this at least two, actually as many as possible mistakes high to begin with, as a precaution.

Eventually when you think you have mastered the roll try it slower or faster and most importantly the other way as you will never get anywhere if you can only do a roll one way.  Do remember this is just a guide, and if you've found another, better one, then feel free to use that, as my intention is for you to become the best pilots you can be.

And above all DON'T GIVE UP! there is a motto that I learned somewhere which is: 'I can do it' has proved successful many times, whereas 'I can't do it' has never yet proved it's worth.'


Sirglider on September 12, 2014
Educating! Thank you for your article, will give it some tries on the simulator first :P
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Crash course in areobatics1: Rolls