Flying FPV with lightning (R rated)

by squishy | April 29, 2014 | (9) Posted in Challenges

One night while out flying night combat a thunderstorm came. I was lucky enough to have an excellent spotter with photography experience helping me with each flight to capture these shots. We had some interesting spectators there watching the combat and FPV, they add a colorful soundtrack. I dare the next pilot to get some closer shots.

I guess this has language people don't like or are offended by, so if you are easily offended by humans communicating colorful ways then do not watch. I left it in for brevety and my art is reailty, enjoy.


That video was shot with a Sony PZO420 camera 2.8mm non-ir lens, HK DVR, using the MonkeyBlunt kit from Flying Monkey. It is the best FPV airplane I have ever flown. 30 inches, 20-80mph, 15min flight times, nice Mobius camera mount and interchangeable winglet options (Bunny Ears).


gman1185 on May 13, 2014
OMG-The guy at the end is hilarious. Just a wild guess it's a homeless dude but classic.
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val0production on April 29, 2014
Nice shot !
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dirtnapper on April 29, 2014
Too bad audio isn't family friendly. Cool lightning though.
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GFergy on May 1, 2014
Hmmm... Can't watch it due to copyright issues with the audio.
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squishy on May 3, 2014
You must be in germany..
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Flying FPV with lightning (R rated)