Cessna 150 scratchbuild + Trainer mods

by AeroErgo | January 6, 2021 | (9) Posted in Projects

Hi everybody!

This time i want to tell you guys how i made this plane, a CESSNA 150, a plane i always wanted to build from scratch, but no very scale, because as the Piper J-3 IS NOT a trainer, with no dihedral wing, and kind of "short tail section" that makes it no sooooooo steady as you wish in a trainer.

So, the objective is: A Cessna looking plane, as scale as i could but with a trainer flying characteristics, with a gentle and docile flight and a good performance too.

To accomplish this last items the original Cessna design should suffer some modifications: Enlarge the fuselaje section behind the trailing edge, increase the wing area, and increase the dihedral for better self-stabilization behavior. 

Here is the building video and the first flight, as always in a windy day:

Also, i have in mind few common characteristics of the trainers as: strong building materials, reinforcements, tricycle landing gear, and rubber bands to fix the wing in place.


Wingspan: 1230 mm

Length: 960mm

MTOW: 745 Grs.

2830 - 1400 Kv Motor

3S 1500 mAh 45C Battery

9x5 Propeller


The fuselaje is a classic but reinforced box-shaped structure:

Here is the foam/plywood main spar:

The stabilizer is a made of depron 5mm as the rest of the plane, with two plywood / pop stick spars :

To reduce weight, and make it easy the electronics installation i drill few holes with a old Gas plane spar but you can use any metal tube sharply enough.

Here you can see the reinforcements in key parts to make it hold the hard handle of a beginner pilot, where the wing lays, behind the F1, and all along the fuselaje sides:

As always do, i tried a new technique to cover the plane, with laminating film painted with Rustoleum spray paint, an important tip: Paint the inner side of the film, later the heat will do his work anyway.

You can see how smooth and shinny is the result:

The plane needed 30 grs of ballast in the nose to flight better, in the second flight improves the handling characteristics

In the end the result was very good for a scratch plane, even the wheels are made from scratch, old flipflops hehe.

I hope you like the plane and find the tips useful !

Until next time!


winglet on January 23, 2021
Nice work!!!! Truly build in the spirit of Flite Test.
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AeroErgo on January 23, 2021
Thanks, and she flies like a charm!

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Orelvis on August 3, 2021
Excelente trabajo me encantó. Donde puedo descargar el plano de ese avion???. Saludos desde Cuba.
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AeroErgo on August 3, 2021
Hola, la verdad no he hecho planos del avión, puesto que no hice otros modelos, pero hay otros como los Cessna de Julius Perdana donde puedes descargar los planos y aplicar las técnicas que muestro en el artículo.
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Cessna 150 scratchbuild + Trainer mods