FT 3D - Scratch Build

by FliteTest | February 28, 2013 | (85) Posted in How To


FT 3D Build Plans Available Here::
FT 3D - Swappable  [ FULL SIZE ]
FT 3D - Swappable [ TILED ]


3D Hobby Shop motor: 
Omega 72g Brushless Outrunner

Equipment used in this build:
NTM Prop Drive Series 28-26A 1200kv / 250w
Hextronic 9 Gram Servo 
TURNIGY Plush 25amp Speed Controller
FT Firewall
FT Control horns 
1 mm piano wire (push rods)

3D Hobby Shop motor: 
Omega 72g Brushless Outrunner

Additional/Alternate components:
Suppo 2208/14 1450kv Brushless Motor (Park 370 equiv.)
APC-style Electric Propeller - 8x4E
BLHeli Series 20amp Speed Controller
Suppo SP-90 9g Micro Servo

More details on electronics for your Speed Build Swappable Power Pod

The FT 3D foam board scratch build is another addition to the swappable fuselage series.
Be sure to check out some of the other scratch build tutorials before taking on this advanced scratch build.

A full list of the electronics and components is available here

If you'd like to purchase the firewall and control horns used in this scratch build, check out our web store!

In the tail of the fuselage, it's a good idea to leave the slots in tact until your are ready to install your rudder.

This foam swappable features a tapered symmetrical wing design.

The two wings are connected with a balsa wood spar setup which has proven to be very strong, holding up after multiple crashes in our tests.

The removable canopy hatch is another advanced design that gives you access to your fuselage as well as creating a streamlined looking aircraft.

The CG of this airplane is directly above the front servo slot. The plans have everything detailed for you.

Check out more images and join the discussion in the forum post!  CLICK HERE
And as we mentioned before the FT 3D is also available as a laser cut Speed Build Kit in our store. 
CLICK HERE to learn more.


sailorJohn on March 1, 2013
Maybe a stick across elevator center where it is very thin

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PropsnWings on June 14, 2013
I added a cut Popsicle stick to the underside and trimmed the rudder clearance for it. I felt the elevator was too flexible in this area.
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ccrawford on August 31, 2014
Came here to say exactly this. The other thing i would add is consider using a metal gear servo in the rudder. I'd never broken a servo before, but then broke two on the rudder here because I used short, stiff control rods...when the rods don't flex, something has to give during those spectacular cartwheel crashes, and it was the plastic servo gear.
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csarazin on March 1, 2013
I like it :) I usually do the cuts myself but I'm thinking for this one I will order the kit :) ... Did I miss the gluing of the tail in the build Video? I will watch it again :) Thanks for an other excellent build Video
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sailorJohn on March 1, 2013
top edge of powerpod is at least 1/16 above skewer holes but skewers end up almost flush with inner top of fuse with no room for top flange
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sailorJohn on March 5, 2013
Good thing I'm building two at the same time learning from my mistakes. I didn't slide the wings together fast enough and got stuck with an in togo ,what do you think about gorrilla glue for this step.
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superrcflier on March 7, 2013
You can use gorilla glue, personally I'd use 5min epoxy glue, so you still have plenty time to correction.
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Big_Car_Killa on April 6, 2013
Hi guys,

When will this be available in a kit???

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RCbacon on April 22, 2013
I belive that the kit will be avalible the closest month or something like that :) Hope i helped :)
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hhins on March 27, 2013
I know a blue wonder 1300kv 3s 860mah 8" prop (approx 16oz thrust) would be under-powered but would it be at least flyable until I find something larger to purchase?
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sailorJohn on March 1, 2013
THANK YOU,THANK YOU-------usual " but "could you include overall deminsions wing span and fuse length, transfering them from from small scale print out garantees none will be alike
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fear4fun on May 18, 2013
Just a note, the middle line (of 5) on each of the wings should be marked as red line in the planes. In the video when Josh grabs the wing, the middle line is already scored so he can fold it back and do a double-bevel on it.
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sailorJohn on March 5, 2013
I also am staring at the airframe thinking that hatch made the same way as the canopy to enclose the battery compartment would increase the lift of the airframe from below like the cartoon planes do on ey0927399 (youtube frm tiawan)
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serial0l0 on March 18, 2013
This was my second ever scratch build. I built the FT Flyer last weekend and this one this weekend. I tried this one first without a metal straight edge if you can believe that and failed miserably. It made the FT Flyer easy to build in comparison though. Once that was done this one wasn't so bad. It did take an entire night though just to make the airframe. I'm not sure why I was so slow but I worked from about 8:30p to 4:30a...lol. I'm waiting in some z bend pliers, music wire and wheels to finish it up. Until then I have been flying the FT Flyer on this power setup and it is a rocket! It has unlimited vertical and I can hover it for a decent amount of time considering I've never really done any 3d. I'm just waiting for it to fold up in high G's but so far so good. Thanks Flitetest. I don't think I would have ever took the scratch build plunge without these videos.

BTW, I have no idea how Josh is able to make those super clean bevel cuts. The foam balls up on my blade and I end up chunking it out and then sanding it somewhat smooth.
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RCbacon on April 22, 2013
I think Josh can do so clean bevel cuts because he has been in this hobby for 20 years or something like that :)
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SteevyT on March 10, 2014
Us a drywall blade or razor like in the video. Get as little of an angle on it as possible (rather than trying to force it through at a 90 degree angle, try pulling it through with a 30 angle, or less if possible)
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doron1604 on February 28, 2013
Thank you flitetest!!!

It seems like the Speed Build & Swappable electronics and component list does not fit the FT 3D.

The wings plan is missing as well.
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flitetest_mexico on February 28, 2013
i THINK they are using the NTM prop drive 28 26A series but it doesent say if it uses a 9" prop or a 10" or an " neither if it is a 3 or 4 cell battery

sorry for my bad english
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mattplaneflyer on March 3, 2013
I'm working on this now can't wait to get it finished.
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marcosamartinelli on March 5, 2013
Hi, Nice tuto, i love you Flitetest!

Does any of these motors work with this plane?

- Turnigy Park300 Brushless Outrunner 1080kv

- NTM Prop Drive Series 28-30A 750kv / 140w


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superrcflier on March 7, 2013
I'd say no, you need something like those
or if you want much more power I'd use this one http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/__18969__Turnigy_D2836_8_1100KV_Brushless_Outrunner_Motor.html
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Beckju on March 5, 2013
Which program do you use to create the plans?
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Adib Vahedi on February 28, 2013
thanks so much you guys rock i hope i can do that!!!!!
Your the best Bixler thanks for doing all the build videos!!!!!

Keep up the great work!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)
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Jonaith on March 1, 2013
Hello , i'm a little new in the hobby and i really like the swappable serie but in this one you seem to use 2 servo for the aileron i was wondering do you plug them in two different channel and use mixing or something like an Y wire so it will fit in the aileron channel? Thanks for the scratch built i'll try it by the end of this summer for sure!

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Exhodus on March 2, 2013
It's pretty much up to you, both have its ups and downs. With Y cable you dont need to set up mixes and dont need a radio that can mix, but you have to manually "reverse" one of the servos so put it in "upside-down" or you will not have the correct motion!
With separate channels you have to play around mixing and takes up two slots, but if your radio can do it, i recommend this as you can set up flapperons on that setup as well, which might come handy on landing if you are new to this hobby, although I dont know how will this plane behave with flapperons.
My guess as for why this has 2 servos is that the ailerons are huge, and it would likely burn out a single 9 gram servo
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superrcflier on March 10, 2013
No you don't have to put upside down if you are using Y cable and installing side ways, because servos on ailerons are opposite to each-other and that means servo arms also pointing opposite to each-other.
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cloud9photos on February 28, 2013
this made my day, ive been waiting for this one. Now since i bugged you guys so much about this one coming out i better build one fast. Thanks again for all you guys do

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flitetest_mexico on February 28, 2013
what size prop are you using?, i cant find the wing plans, can anyone help me? :(
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cloud9photos on February 28, 2013
The wing plans are missing in action. I'm sure they will post them soon
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NoUsername on February 28, 2013
On the plans an optional tail wheel is shown, Wil there be any video instructions and part number information provided?
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oneiwily on March 4, 2013
great work guys, I really love the gracefully way you do it , I'm not at the 3D fly level but I really enjoy the swappable series. I may build this one for the looks, or as a teaser to get my skill level up.

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twjones12 on March 4, 2013
go your swappable 3 pack and look forward to you guys releasing the others, I would love this and all the others as well, I thought i would like to build but find the kit much more useful.
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superrcflier on March 7, 2013
Great video, excellent presentation, thanks for the plan. Just finish my building last night, waiting for electronics to be install it. Weight 200g so far, AUW with 1.3mAH 3s would be around 500g I'm guessing.
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DStevens3800 on March 20, 2013
Wanted to say thanks here as well as on my project post. So, thanks flitetest! I really do enjoy these tutorials and the planes I end up with. Great job! I look forward to whatever you have in the works next. Couple of you guys have been asking questions about all up weight, prop size, motor set up and stiffening this and that. So I thought I'd give my 2 cents. All up weight with Turnigy 3S 1300mah battery, 2826a 1250 kv NTM prop drive motor & Turnigy Plush 25 amp ESC and 9x6e APC prop (the Baby Blender setup per Josh B's specs located on that scratch build page) is 602g or 1lb 5.3oz with a taped color scheme and all the stiffening. The power set up is perfect for this plane, of course you could always go bigger. As far as stiffening I threw 2 extra, small size, bbq skewers to hold in the canopy, and 4 extra on the elevator stab and rudder. Also 1 on top of the elevator feathers and a chopped popsicle stick on the underside. Makes her rock solid. Hope this helps. Happy building.
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xxxmuscat on March 4, 2013
hi. I was just wondering what program you used to design your 2D and 3D plans to run your laser cutter. eg solidworks ,autocad. Also if u could make the file available so i could cut my own plans that would be great.
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gr1999 on March 15, 2013
When will the kit be coming in the store?

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RCbacon on April 22, 2013
My guess is that the kit will come to the store in a month or something like that :) Hope i helped :)
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Exhodus on March 2, 2013
Josh! What do you think will this plane be able to carry a big hunking 2200 3s with this motor? http://hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/__14732__Turnigy_L2210A_1650_Brushless_Motor_180w_.html

Great plans! Just moved to the top of my build list! Also can barely wait for the FT Cruzr :)
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stwaller12 on March 4, 2013
Let me start out by saying, thanks Flitetest! This is a very cool plane. I just started gluing it together. I think this will be my favorite so far.
Just an FYI, on the fuse plans the one of the folds on the canopy is labeled an "A" fold, but in the video you say it's a "B" fold.
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marcosamartinelli on March 11, 2013
Hi all!

I built this TF 3D but it was way too heavy... with small motor (28) and 1350ma lipo its weight was 700grs.

When i tried to use a 35 motor and a 2200mah lipo the weight was more than 900grs.

My plane did not fly, it was donated to my daughter and now is transporting Barbies and Kens around the living room...

The foam board i used has 5mm and paper on both sides.

What is the aprox. weight of this model without electronics?

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RCbacon on April 22, 2013
I don´t know the weight of the FT 3D but what i do know is that you have to have a smaller battery! I would use a 500 to 1000 mah 4s or 3s and the 28-26 ntm prop drive series motor flite test recommends :) Hope i helped you :)
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ripcurldog on February 18, 2014
This is not true! I flew my first FT3D build with a 2200 mah 3 cel battery, with a park 480. It all depends on the motor that you use. Mine had so much power that the power pod was being ripped out of the fuselage (which I Now reinforce with gift card).
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Gambit on April 17, 2013
I am a little new to this. I have purchased the Suppo 2208/14 1450kv Brushless Motor (Park 370 equiv.) motor. Is this going to be less powerful than the NTM Prop Drive Series 28-26A 1200kv / 250w. If so will I still be able to fly it?
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Stunt Man 169 on April 26, 2013
I used this setup and it was way underpowered. The plane could barely get off the ground with full power. I recommend something larger like a park 450, just to be on the safe side. I ended up rebuilding the plane three times, each time making it lighter. But I still had no luck. I would use the park 450 sized motor or a NTM prop drive series 28-26 1200 kv/250 watts
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Gambit on April 30, 2013
Thanks Victor and Stunt Man. Have the plane built looks like i will have to buy another motor and esc. Will the NTM prop drive series 28-26 1200 kv/250 watts work with all the bigger swapables? i can use the Suppo 2208/14 1450kv Brushless Motor for the smaller ones.
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Gambit on April 30, 2013
And what prop are you using Stuntman?
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ripcurldog on February 18, 2014
I print the plane at 110%, with a park 480 equiv., 30amp ESC, 2200 mah 3 cel, and I cover the plane with packing tape (the entire thing), and it has more power than I can ever use (if I did use all the power that I have available, im afraid the wings would be ripped off). It is an amazing plane!
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RCbacon on April 22, 2013
The suppo motor have higher kv(kv=rotations per volt) so the prop will spin faster if you have a 3s but the NTM supports 4s batteries so you can get higher voltage(which results in more rotations) I would buy the NTM but the suppo will probably do the job :) Hope i helped :) If there is something you wonder about let me know ;)
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ronnie.burchfield. on February 28, 2013
great build guys as usual !!!
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rcflyer729 on March 1, 2013
How do you print it tilled?
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Bolvon72 on March 3, 2013
Use the newest Adobe, XI I think, print poster with cut marks
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fburd on February 28, 2013
Wow, excellent design!!
what is the wingspan and the all up weight??
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liveyourdreamsRC on March 3, 2013
I really appreciate how much time and effort you guys put into building and designing these. Great episode again! Keep it up, I'm looking forward to the FT Cruiser.
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wildbill40229 on March 5, 2013
i am a little new to planes i find everything you guys do very helpful hope to see this in a speed build kit soon as i have no printer right now i do have one scratch build that i built off my hk mini stick that does pretty good but i have been looking for something like this
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jimft on March 1, 2013
What are the dimension of the balsa wing joiner ?
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superrcflier on March 10, 2013
I did use same thickness of foam, I did try to push balsa as far as it goes until tight and draw line with the pen (remember balsa is soft and tips goes inside the wing will form between two foams), measured same length for the other wing and added fuse dimension.
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cloud9photos on March 7, 2013
In the video Josh says the length is 10" but they do not directly mention the thickness. he did say the wing will be approximately 3 pieces of foam thick where it joins the fuse so I just assumed it would be 1/4" balsa cut to 10" I however didn't have any balsa laying around the house, but I have plenty of wooden paint stirrers from the home depot they happen to be 1" long and 1/4" thick so I just used that, it's a little heavier than balsa, but it's what I had in the garage and I don't think that little bit of weight will matter.
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PropsnWings on June 14, 2013
If you look, the sticker is still on the balsa. It's 1x3/16
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Chubbs on March 4, 2013
This is really a top notch set of plans guys! Well done! The "fit and finish" is definitely a step above the previous kits. I just finished the airframe build last night, now I just need to mount my servos and maiden.

A couple of tips for anyone who is going to attempt the build:
1.) Tolerances are TIGHT!!! When Josh says the power pod to the fuselage is a "perfect friction fit", I don't think that accounts for the tape on the outside of the power pod. It is most certainly tight. The same applies to the wing spar location which is butted right up against the power pod, and the tail mounting. It barely needs glue!
2.) Get a good glue gun. Josh mentions it in the video several times, I thought he was kidding as my little mini-glue gun has successfully built the baby blender...this one is different. Get a 40W full size glue gun minimum. $15 from harbor freight tools.
3.) take your time cutting out parts. Remember how tight I said the tolerances are? A slightly misplaced cut can really kill this build. This would certainly be a good candidate for a "build kit".

Excellent build, can't wait to fly it!
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Kwindenhaag on May 4, 2013
Ok - has anyone managed to build this with 5mm foam with double sided paper? It seems to make the wing VERY thick (25mm at the fuselage), and seems much heavier than expected. Need help before I charge forward on full build...
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Hasersys on February 28, 2013
Just started my build! thanks for the plans and great videos! Is some one doing laundry?
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philip monday on February 28, 2013
looking forward to seeing this speed build kit in your store. curious tho on the price of this plane....
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Villalji on March 1, 2013
Greeeeeeaaaaat! Thank you again for this awesome design! You guys are the best!
Now I just need to finish the baby blender, crash it, re-stock material, and start this new buil. 😜
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sailorJohn on March 2, 2013
I have to wonder if you have experienced a variation in the thickness of the foam board .Ofcourse I don't know how the lazer cuts the A&B folds but my home made tools sometimes cut too deep.Cheap tools made from wood and razor blades.
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carsten on March 2, 2013
Hi Flite Test

I am from Denmark. Great show you have. Thanks for all. Learned a lot.

I think you call it something like 'Dollar store' where you buy the material's
With paper on top. ?
I can not find anything like it in Europe.
Can you help. ?

With the Swede onboard my flying buddy''s have nick named you guy's ....
' The Flying Muppets ' :))

Kind regards Carsten Wu Sonderskov, Denmark
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iZilly on March 6, 2013
I was about to ask the same.. also from Denmark here and we don´t have anything like this here sadly.. i have found a few German websites who sells this or similar, also with the paper on it. You can get it here but it is never as cheap as in U.S sadly! the downside of being in Europe... everything is so expensive!

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Exhodus on March 3, 2013
It's called Adams Foamboad or Readyboard and it's only available in north america! In europe there is something similar called Kappa line foamboard, but its usually quite expensive
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carsten on March 5, 2013
Thank you so much :))

Say adjö to the swede. ;)

Kind regards Carsten
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matto on November 3, 2014
Hi carsten,

In Finland we have depron which is available at different hardware and building supply stores. It usually comes in 6mm sheets (without paper) which means you have to adjust the plans sometimes to get the parts to fit neatly. I've built many of the FT series planes from it and it works great. Just be sure to use a low temperature glue gun so the depron doesn't melt.

Hälsningar från Finland :)
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cloud9photos on February 28, 2013
Yay, the wings plans have been posted. I love the look of this plane!
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FliteTest on February 28, 2013
Wing plans have been added! Sorry about that.
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Ryan on April 21, 2013
Has anyone thought of putting a glow engine on this plane? i am going to build one but i think all go electric as i am fairly new to this hobby, however id love to build a gas plane they are just way cooler and more authentic feeling to fly in my mind .the only issue i see is the weight as a glow engine is much larger but with out the battery it should even itself out reasonably and the front of the plane could be made with some hobby grade plywood for strength and to cope with the heat. any way its just a thought, if any one ha made a home made foamie with a glow engine id love to see it. once i get comfortable with the plane i just might try to myself.
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RCbacon on April 22, 2013
Not to be a dream killer but a glow need cooling and i don´t think foam can hold so much weight :( Besides you have to have fuel to power the engine and fuel does also have some weight. I think it sounds intresting but i don´t think it will work :( There might be something i missed, let me know if i did ;)
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cosso10 on June 27, 2013
what prop should I use for the NTM prop drive 28-26A 1200kv 250w
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RCbacon on July 15, 2013
They recommend a 10x4.7 :)
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3Drichie on May 22, 2013
I have also sent this as a question to flite test but they may not have time to reply to quickly so posting here as well. I am about to give building the FT 3D a go, can anyone tell me what the thickness of this board is in millimeters? I am in the UK and the only board similar to the stuff Josh uses is called "foam-cor" and its 5mm thick.
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RCbacon on July 15, 2013
The thickness of the foam is 5 mm :)
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rowedent on July 2, 2013
is there a problem with the stonekap web site? the ft3d plans won't open.
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PrInCe on June 8, 2013
Hi took me a while but i finally got my FT3D built yay, just need to sort my electrics out, i have lots of 3s 2200 battery's so want to use these, also looking to use my spare bixler v1 motor, believe it to be size 2620, 1900kv. with a turnigy plush 25A esc.

What size prop would i need for this application? if t can be done?
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RCbacon on July 15, 2013
Take the biggest prop recommended for the motor! Its a 3d plane and with 3d planes you want much thrust! Maybe a bigger prop then recommended :)
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Omran on August 1, 2013
Hi I have plotter when print full size it come very small can help me I need size of all part please
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TDOL666 on December 3, 2013
you'll need to import the inches/cm scales into your plotter program and scale the whole design up to make those the right size
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clough42 on August 28, 2013
I'm really loving this plane with a 3530-14 1100KV motor (HobbyKing Turnigy D3530/14 or RCTimer BC3530-14), an 11x5.5 prop and a 3s2200 battery.

I had to build in a little more structure so I could mount the battery back under the wing spar and it required a couple of coins glued to the tail to make it all balance. With this setup, it hovers easily and punches out like a rocket.
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cottywoe on October 22, 2013
Just bought the same hk motor what esc are you using? And do u have a pics with those mods posted anywhere?

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JGadget on January 3, 2014
How did you mount that motor, did you go directly to the firewall or use the supplied mount? also how did you compensate for the larger prop shaft, I got the same motor

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jrbemis on October 3, 2013
In this build process, the rudder and elevator are never glued into the fuselage. Instead there is a out of sequence set of steps to "harden" the elevator and rudder hinge joint before the is installed. These steps occur after the wing is installed at 26:00. Can you change where this segue occurs to a correct position then add the steps for glueing in the tail feathers. Thanks.
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destroyer37 on August 5, 2013
what motor shoul I buy...
- Turnigy 3530/14 1100Kv
- Turnigy prk450 1200Kv
- NTM Prop drive 28-26A
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Neelansh on August 25, 2013
can you please tell me that what foam are you using is it depron(bio foam) or some other and also how did you put up the paper sheets on your foam and lastly what is the size(dimensions or thikness if you say) of the foam please answer :-)
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sr175 on September 25, 2013
Was wondering where you are all placing your battery? In the power pod, under the pod under the spar ...
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ripcurldog on February 18, 2014
I place mine in the power pod,somewhere between the front, and the middle of the pod. See my email below regarding the best set-up (110% print size for a 2200 3cel battery).
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Neelansh on September 3, 2013
pls help me out guys I live in India and we do not have dollar tree here so can I use depron ( bio foam) to make this plane and also what kind of paper should I use to put on depron to make the ailerons rudders etc. and is there any other method to make the hinges of aileron and rudder , elevator etc. by using depron pls reply
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Neelansh on September 6, 2013
can iuse a 30 amp esc with the other recommended electronics like the 500mah battery and the recommended motors

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TCJ4 on September 4, 2013
I have a couple of Turnigy D2826-6 2200kv Outrunner Motors I was wondering if this would be comparable to the Beef motor recommended.

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juanmas07 on October 23, 2013
Which size of sheet should I use for printing? A3? Thank you!
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Reinwar on November 7, 2013
help!! i can't open the plan!!
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MarkusS on October 26, 2013
can i built this Plane with 3mm Depron? Or is a 5 mm Foam better?
Has anyone tried to built it with 3mm Foam?

Thank you
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artiom shevchenko on October 30, 2013
3mm depron is very light, so it will perform better, but the building will not be that easy, and you will need some re-inforcements.
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maddy on November 12, 2013
hello, can u please help me how to read the dimensions on the i am new to this

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TDOL666 on December 3, 2013
Gonna get some foamboard off ebay and try the versa wing, but this one looks awesome, you should make some smaller planes that still look good, we don't have much room to fly where I live and some smaller slow flyers would be great, I know this is relatively small and will hover if piloted correctly... probably not by me! Also maybe an EDF with a foamboard tube,using a hex or octagon?
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Hookdriver on January 16, 2014
Another straight forward build with a fantastic end state. The only modification I made was to put a balsa spar doubler on the bottom of the spar joint. For most it wont be necessary but I was using some pretty soft balsa so I felt like it couldn't hurt. once the wings were in and set I just applied glue and slid the doubler in the fuselage from the front. Stiffened things up a whole bunch. To glue the tail in I slid the tail assembly in dry just like a test fit then back it out about an inch. Apply glue to the slots and slide back forward. I didnt slather it up with glue and it held like a champ. Four batteries of 3d thrashing around on a windy day and the entire airframe was rock steady. Really a solid design.
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RadioControlledNL on February 8, 2014
yeah nice, i'm building this one at 65%!! can't wait to fly it!
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nut4rc.air on December 11, 2013
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ripcurldog on February 18, 2014
Ive built three of these 3D planes. The best one so far was printed at 110% of the tiled print size. I run it with a 480 equivalent motor, 30amp ESC and 3cel 2200mah battery (9*6 prop works great). The plane fly's better than my $250 store bought T28 Trojan (I can roll this 3D plane so fast compared to the Trojan). I have also used a light packing tape to cover the entire thing in a 'cheap laminate'. It protects the plane against soft crashes. You should also use a gift card to reinforce the power pod (where the skewer meets the pod/fuselage). Otherwise the power of the motor, combined with a heavy landing, can rip the foam from the skewer. If you watch the 'building tips' video on Flitetest, they show you how to do this. This scratch build is sooooo much more fun than the Trojan, and with the 480 motor, it has way more power than I have ever needed (seriously!). The best part is that if I crash it (and I have), I can build another one in two nights. I am now getting ready to build a new one, but with print size at 120%. The fuselage barely fits on the uncut foam board, but I think it will work okay (about 3mm of the very back/bottom will be cut off, but I dont think that will be an issue).
If you havent tried this plane, print the PDF plans at 110%, stick in a 480 motor, 30amp ESC, 9*6 prop and 2200 3cel battery, and I guarantee you will have a blast with it. Ive also designed my own landing gear option because I am not a fan of the Flitetest method (they buckle on harder landing too easy (the place that I fly has a rocky landing strip which beats up the plane on some landings).
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Endrju on October 24, 2016
Hey, I am still not an expert on the motors. So whyt motor would you buy while using 2200mAh 3s? Can you recommend motor like "Turnigy Park480 Brushless Outrunner 1320kv" (http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/uh_viewitem.asp?idproduct=49856) or "Turnigy D2826-6 2200kv Outrunner Motor" (http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/uh_viewitem.asp?idproduct=41745)? Would you be still useing same prop 9*6? Thanks man
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frogs84ss on February 3, 2014
is there an issue with the pdf link? I can't download the plans
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Timelord101 on January 25, 2014
How big of a field do you need to fly this?
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MetalAki on March 23, 2014
Can I just use the Hextronic motor
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NabilAsykar on May 5, 2014
I dont understand about VG placement. How and where should i place it?
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DOOM on May 6, 2014
I just did some reinforcements on my FT 3D and now it flys so beautiful. Thanks guys for this amazing plans and build video. After my blunt nose Versa, this is my second scratchbuild and I love it! Can´t wait to build more!
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RC Dad on May 7, 2014
Have been away from flying for a year and from building for a little longer than that. Just ordered a speed build kit and 3 power combos from Altitude Hobbies. Going to use the kit as templates and my two sons and I are gonna make 3 of these 3D planes, then we will move on to the Spitfire and the Speed plane....excited to be getting back into the hobby again.

Flitetest was a big part of us getting into the hobby a few years ago. Am impressed with how far you have come. I love the podcast and the swappable series....Brilliant!!!!
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ccrawford on July 4, 2014
This has been about the 7th or 8th FT plane I've built, and the build went better than any I've done to date...everything square and very nice looking plane. However, i went to fly it and even though I had my rates dialed way down, she was all over the place (and then into the ground about 30m downrange after takeoff, cartwheeling.) If this is your first "high performance" plane, beware. If it's your very first build, or you are relatively new to the hobby, I'd recommend another plane first. This one is a handful!
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Damage on June 22, 2014
What is the best way to glue in the Rudder/Horizontal Stab? In the video they say they want to wait until the wings are installed before gluing those in, but they never show it. Reason I ask, it's a lot to glue and a lot of positioning, I am worried the glue will setup before I get it positioned.
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ccrawford on July 4, 2014
i just wiggled the fin/stab back a bit and shot a litle bit of glue in, then fit the two parts in place and then ran beads of glue along the joint. Seems to hold well.
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tjmartin on September 9, 2014
What is the best printing method for these plans? I have tried tiled and full and then poster but it seems the rear fuse has alignments issues along with both sides of the wings. I'm not sure if its my settings or if its the way the PDF plans are. I have to assume it is my settings as I have not seen anyone with the same issue in the article.
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Motocross and rc's on August 17, 2014
What are the specs of the balsa
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imranayaz on May 13, 2015
what is the length and breath of fuslage and how many inch is the total wing spand
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Golf on January 30, 2015
Does anyone know when the power packs will be coming out?
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g01d10x on February 5, 2015
Hi everyone :)

Just wanted to chime in here and say thanks to the FliteTest guys !! This evening I started into the build and have completed the power pack and one wing. TOTALLY AWESOME seeing it come together. I'm experimenting right off the start with an extra 3 inches of wing per side and will report how it goes. Cheers to all !
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topgun101 on March 12, 2015
my name is kenny selig. I have a question. I have the motor but the don't have the bullets on them to contect to the esc. Where do you get such small bullets contecter at.
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g01d10x on May 18, 2015
Just had my first flight on my FT3D while doing taxi tests on the road :) SO MUCH FUN !!! Thanks for a great web community and a great product !!
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flyboy22070 on May 30, 2015
I would love to see a scaled up version of this plane and put a o.s. 61 on there.
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Countrymlb on May 18, 2015
I am having trouble printing out the tilled plans. All is well until pages 9 through 22. On these pages there is no guide or spaced lines with which to marry up with adjacent sheets. These guides are on all sides on the other sheets but not at the top of the above mentioned pages. Is it just me or have others had the same problem? I am welcomed to guidance. Happy building
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MeSoLost on March 29, 2015
LOL I almost sent an e-mail askin where's the rest of the parts for my FT 3D. I ordered 2 plans and built the Mini Scout first so I was using the box as a trash can. I went back to YouTube and sure enough it shows all the parts I'm missing but just before I went all nerd rage I was like.... Maybe I should check the box and sure enough in a separate plastic sleeve hidden under the bubble wrap, there it all was. XD EXCELLENT packaging job guys! I've never gotten anything with that much idiot proof space in it before. ^_^ You KNOW I'll be back for more planes.
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danield on April 17, 2015
I have built (over 20) FT models including scratch built from plans. I ran in to a slight problem on this one trying to put power pod in after gluing wings in place. Seems I slightly warped sides of fuselage in and now a very tight fit. Spars do not meet, gap, only wood spar. Maybe wing spar not set right, (need a caution sign here), maybe have the pod in place during wing gluing? This wing is very strong. I'll know better on the next one. Josh didn't have pod in place, maybe because of video. Love you guys, Lets go fly.
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imranayaz on May 13, 2015
what is the length and breath of fuslage and how many inch. is the total wing span for FT 3D - Scratch Build
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kai wissink on June 8, 2015
Hello there, here an enthousiastic builder from the Netherlands,what is the size of the wooden spar in the wings? in MM please
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Travos on April 27, 2016
I just used a paint stirring stick, worked fine
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Soulstoned on July 14, 2015
another nice easy build thanks for taking the time to make these plans im from Australia and I have built baby blender, storch, simple sorer and now this 3d good work josh and team keep it up

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jordy123 on December 10, 2015
I built a 1/2 scale one, and love it.

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virendrasinh on August 18, 2015
Great design, I see the video of this design, also interested to make and fly it, want to know the material you are using to build this plane....is it Styrofoam??
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jordy123 on December 10, 2015
Dollar tree foamboard.
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david5310 on February 28, 2016
What is the recommended Battery??

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chomlee on March 20, 2016
I used a 1000 mah battery, 2213-930 motor, 25 amp ESC and 9x6 prop. This seems to work perfectly. BTW, I took the plane on its maiden flight today and it flew like a $200 plane. Everyone was impressed on how it looked and how well it flew. You just need to be carefull not to get it wet or the paper bubbles.
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sdilip_1979 on May 26, 2016
Hi Guys, with 5mm foamboard , 4x 9g servo 30A ESC, Park 480, 1320KV w/o battery weight coming together , 720 gm

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Zach M on July 10, 2016
This is one of the best planes I have ever flown! I built it in two days and it flew very nice.

I only have one question. I may not be doing something right, or don't have the right throws, but I am not able to do a spin yet with full rudder and full aft stick. Am I not doing it right?

Anyway, I had never flown a 3D plane before and now I am pretty confident with it. Thank you Flitetest!
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SKuhn68 on December 14, 2016
This is gonna be a great plane! The plans are not properly marked though. All the lines on the plans are solid and there fore do not match the key so you don't know where to channel or bevel, double bevel or crease. The places where you are supposed to remove paper from the fuse are not marked at all. There are several circles on the wing plans with X's in them, these are supposed to be where you place the little poster board vortex generators yet Josh doesn't install these in the video. Plus, there are 16 of these little buggers drawn onto the plans but only 4 shown on the picture of the plane on page 1 of the plans. Presumably there are also 4 on the bottom side of the wing? And you most likely are supposed to double them for strength? A little clarification on a few things like this would sure make this a smoother build.
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SKuhn68 on December 14, 2016
Okay then, you can go ahead and ignore the previous comment made by myself. I am used to the standard building key used on the majority of the Flitetest kits, I didn't even notice the simplified key included on page 1 of these plans until after the build.....I am a very detail oriented individual.....NOT! Keep up the good work guys!
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sdilip_1979 on May 26, 2016
I am in trouble already its not gonna flay as i have 2200 Mah 3s Lipo adding 200 gms makes altogether 920 gms motor generates maximum safe thrust upto 1310 g
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patthethird on April 18, 2017
Thanks for having the best free foamy plans on the internet. I really appreciate it. I've built the FT3D, racer, Mini Arrow, and I'm working on a blender. I also loved that one guys idea with the mini FT3D, so much I built my own 50% FT3D and it turned out fantastic!
You should see my office, I have a hundred sheets of foam board and little pieces of foam litter the floor like an inch of snow.
Anyone else tried shrinking/expanding one of these planes?
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MynyddGlas on September 30, 2017
Started to look at this plane as a possible next build. Having watched some of the videos and the gradual incorporation of suggestions from Arron Bates which seemed to improve the flying characteristics, can anyone tell me if the plans for the plane incorporate his suggestions?

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Ripul on March 26, 2018
What are the dimensions of the depron sheets used in building this plane?
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FT 3D - Scratch Build